Achieving Gold Standard Accuracy with RadMonteCarlo

[ClearCalc New Features and Clinical Implementation]


Secondary plan calculations are a key component of the treatment planning workflow. Sometimes, fast and easy is the way to go to keeping plans moving along, appropriately accounting for differences in the algorithms. We pay close attention to detail during commissioning, and we perform ongoing quality assurance to keep those components in check. So for most routine clinical cases, we might expect to see good agreement in our secondary calculations. And we'd like those to be efficient.

But in some clinical scenarios, there’s no room to compromise the accuracy of the secondary calculations. In this webinar, we dive into how ClearCalc and RadMonteCarlo can provide clinics with confidence in their second checks—without compromising accuracy or efficiency.

ClearCalc V2.2 releases brand new features that expand functionality and accuracy of the secondary calculation platform, including support for photons, electrons, and protons. Product Manager Charles Curle, MS, DABR, spotlights RadMonteCarlo, our Monte Carlo algorithm, and underscore the clinical utility of new version 2.2 features, which include 3D gamma comparison, volumetric DVH analysis, and critical dose overlay information. 

Following Charles's presentation, Kenny Guida, DMP, DABR, of The University of Kansas Cancer Center, shares his experience with the implementation of RadMonteCarlo for protons and shares results from his team's clinical use.

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